Reminder: Public Invited to Comment on Public Service Company of Colorado’s (PSCo’s) Gas Base Rate Increase

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DENVER -A public comment hearing is scheduled for PSCo’s requested gas rate increase on Thursday, Aug. 18, from 4-6 p.m. The hearing will be held virtually. The public is invited to provide comment

Meeting ID: 856 4455 6311 Passcode: 042332 

The PUC strives to accommodate all members of the public at its hearings and meetings by providing services for foreign language users and persons with disabilities upon receipt of a reasonable accommodation request. Requests for such accommodations should be made at least one week prior to the event by completing the Language Access Form. Requests can also be made directly by contacting Holly Bise at 303.894.2024 or by emailing

PSCo filed its rate base increase request in Jan. 2022, to make fundamental infrastructure investments and updates to its gas tariff. The following are the current and proposed average monthly bills if the increase is approved:

                                                            Current            Proposed

Residential (RG)                                $62.42              $66.58

Small Commercial (CSG)                  $251.19            $270.28

Large Commercial (CLG)                  $4,650.37         $4,929.34

Interruptible Sales (IG)                      $21,356.46      $22,294.56

Small Firm Transportation (TFS)      $973.71           $1,059.11

Large Firm Transportation (TFL)      $10,098.23      $10,617.34 

Interruptible Transportation (TI)       $47,587.52      $49,570.17

In addition, an evidentiary hearing will be held from August 17-31. The public is invited to view the hearing via the Commission's Webcast at, Hearing Room A. Specific hours for each day's hearing can be found at the Commission's Calendar at

Details of the rate case can be found in the Commission’s E-Filings system for Proceeding Number 22AL-0046G