Look Up a License
Before you schedule or purchase a service from a licensed professional, it pays to make sure that their credentials are valid. Find out what DORA regulates so you can look up a licensee by name. You can also search healthcare provider profiles via CO Health Professional Check!
Check for Discipline
We offer tools to help you be better informed about the professionals and businesses we regulate across the state. If discplinary action has been issued to a person or business by a licensing board, often that information is available to the public and may be obtained online. Visit a specific licensing board for more information regarding each industry's disciplinary process.
File a Complaint
A big part of our ability to provide consumer protection depends on the complaints we receive from you. That's right, we rely on consumers just like you to file a complaint with us if they suspect wrongdoing or believe professional standards of practice were violated by a licensee. Complaints are investigated and sent to the appropriate licensing board to be considered for discipline. Search the specific profession, industry or licensing board to file a complaint.
Look Up a License by Type
Other Things to Note
- Do your homework – Not all professions or businesses are licensed or regulated by the state. Some may be regulated by municipalities, others may not be regulated at all. See a list of other licenses and regulatory resources outside of DORA.
- Use your gut – How do you know if professional standards have been violated? Often, your own instincts are the best measure. If you believe you have experienced wrongdoing by a licensed professional, it's better to file a complaint than to just let it go. When you file a complaint, make sure to note specific details as to why you believe professional standards were not met.
- Recovering monetary losses – Unfortunately it is uncommon for monetary losses that may have occurred to be recovered through the complaint process. That is why prevention is so much more effective than intervention.