DORA Divisions, Programs, & Boards

DORA Divisions, Programs, & Boards

DORA is comprised of ten divisions, plus the Executive Director's Office which houses the Colorado Office of Policy, Research and Regulatory Reform.

Each division is charged with administering a number of programs, and most house one or more Boards and Commissions made up of appointed members of the public that oversee a large variety of subjects and make a wide range of decisions affecting the day-to-day lives of Coloradans.

Learn more about our divisions and their respective programs and boards below, and if you are interested in applying to be a member, learn more from the Governor's Office of Boards and Commissions.

Executive Director's Office (EDO)

Patty Salazar, Executive Director
Ginny Brown, Deputy Executive Director
Marisol Larez, Chief Administrative Officer

DORA's Executive Director's Office provides leadership and support to DORA’s ten divisions.

Contact EDO: 303-894-7855 | Toll Free: 1-800-886-7675 | DORA_EDO@state.co.us

Colorado Office of Policy, Research, and Regulatory Reform (COPRRR)

Brian Tobias, Director

The Colorado Office of Policy, Research & Regulatory Reform (COPRRR) reviews proposed regulatory programs to determine if they are needed, and it also reviews existing programs and functions of government to ensure they are necessary, fair, effective and efficient. 

Contact COPRRR: 303-894-7855 | Toll Free: 1-800-886-7675 | dora_OPR_Website@state.co.us

Colorado Civil Rights Division (CCRD)

Aubrey Elenis, Director

The Colorado Civil Rights Division is charged with enforcing Colorado’s anti-discrimination laws in the areas of employment, housing, and public accommodations.

Contact CCRD: 303-894-2997 | dora_CCRD@state.co.us

Division of Banking (DOB)

Ken Boldt, Commissioner

The Colorado Division of Banking protects the public interest and preserves public trust in the Colorado banking industry by regulating the business of state-chartered commercial banks and trust companies, state-licensed money transmitters, and by enforcing the Public Deposit Protection Act.

Contact DOB: 303-894-7575 | dora_bankingwebsite@state.co.us

Division of Conservation (DCO)

Aaron Welch, Director

The Division of Conservation was created in 2018 and protects the public by ensuring the soundness of state income tax credits for conservation easements, certifying organizations to hold conservation easements, determining the credibility of appraisals, and assessing the qualifications of deeds of conservation easements flexible and fair.

Contact DOC: 303-894-2316 | aaron.welch@state.co.us

Division of Financial Services (DFS)

Mark Valente, Commissioner

The Division of Financial Services works to protect public interest and preserve public trust by regulating the business of state-chartered credit unions, savings and loan associations and the financial activities of life care institutions under its supervision.

Contact DFS: 303-894-2336 | dora_financialservices_website@state.co.us

Division of Insurance (DOI)

Michael Conway, Commissioner

The Division of Insurance regulates the insurance industry and assists consumers and other stakeholders with insurance issues, to ensure that insurance companies, as well as their agents, are following the law.

Contact DOI: 303-894-7499 | tel:1-800-930-3745 outside Denver metro area |  dora_insurance@state.co.us

Division of Real Estate (DRE)

Marcia Waters, Director

The Division of Real Estate protects real estate consumers by licensing and enforcing laws for real estate brokers, mortgage brokers and appraisers.

Contact DRE: tel:303-894-2166 | dora_realestate_website@state.co.us

Division of Securities (DOS)

Tung Chan, Commissioner

The Division of Securities protects investors and maintains public confidence in the securities markets while avoiding unreasonable burdens on participants in the capital markets.

Contact DOS: 303-894-2320 | dora_securitieswebsite@state.co.us

Office of the Utility Consumer Advocate

Cindy Schonhaut, Director

The Office of the Utility Consumer Advocate represents the interests of residential, small business and agricultural consumers before the Public Utilities Commission.

Contact UCA: 303-894-2120 | dora_consumercounsel_website@state.co.us

Public Utilities Commission (PUC)

Rebecca White, Director

The Public Utilities Commission serves the public interest by effectively regulating utilities and facilities so that the people of Colorado receive safe, reliable and reasonably-priced services consistent with the economic, environmental and social values of our state.

Contact PUC: 303-894-2000 | dora_puc_website@state.co.us