Public Utilities Commission (PUC) PUBLIC COMMENT HEARING – REMINDER-FEB. 1 Public Service Company’s (Xcel) Demand Side Management (DSM) and Beneficial Electric (BE) Strategic Issues application

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DENVER- The Colorado Public Utilities Commission will conduct a public comment hearing seeking comments on Public Service Company’s (Xcel) Demand Side Management (DSM) and Beneficial Electric (BE) Strategic Issues application. 

Meeting Details

  • The remote hearing will combine proceedings: 22A-0309EG Public Service of Colorado - DSM & BE Strategic Issues and 22A-0315EG – 2023 DSM & BE Plan.
  • Feb. 1, 2023.
  • 4-5:30 p.m.
  • To register to speak, please sign-up here.
  • To view the public comment hearing, click here.

What You Need to Know

  • Demand-side management (DSM) programs consist of the planning, implementing, and monitoring activities of electric utilities which are designed to encourage consumers to modify their level and pattern of electricity usage.
  • DSM programs often consist of conservation or energy-efficiency programs.
  • Beneficial Electric or Beneficial Electrification (BE) is a term for replacing direct fossil fuel use (e.g., propane, heating oil, gasoline) with electricity in a way that reduces overall emissions and energy costs. There are many opportunities across the residential and commercial sectors.
  • Some examples of BE include: electric water heating, space heating, and electric vehicle charging.

In 22A-0309EG, Public Service is asking the Commission to:

  • Approve the Company’s electric energy efficiency and demand savings goals for the period of 2024-2027.
  • Approve the Company’s electric and natural DSM budgets for the years 2024-2027.
  • Approve the Company’s BE goals and budgets for years 2024-2027.
  • Approve the Company’s cost allocation methodology for BE programs;
  • Approve the Company’s development of incentives to promote BE for customers and end uses not currently served by natural gas or electricity, among others.
  • Approve the Company’s revised and comprehensive proposal for financial incentives tied to energy efficiency, beneficial electrification, demand response, and carbon dioxide reduction.

In 22A-0315EG, Public Service is asking the Commission to:

  • Approve its 2023 DSM & BE Plan, which is a combined electric and gas Plan that contains comprehensive descriptions of each of the electric and gas DSM programs that Public Service proposes to implement for calendar year 2023, including BE measures.

For 2023, the Company is proposing to continue, update, and/or expand a number of previously approved products and services (such as the Geo-Targeting Pilot and the electric vehicle charging management offerings under Electric Vehicle Optimization), as well as incorporate new products and services added to its DSM and BE portfolio. The PUC first accepted the Public Service Company of Colorado’s (Xcel) DSM Plan in 2008.

This proceeding will be the first where the PUC, interested parties, and the company will be able to look at larger policy issues that will shape the next DSM Plan. A combined filing reduces burden to all parties and allows for a more holistic consideration of DSM, including with regard to issues that impact both the Company’s natural gas and electric utility services.

Additional Information on this proceeding can be found by visiting Proceeding No: 22A-0309EG and 22A-0315EG.

Comment Process

If you would like to provide oral comments at the hearing, please sign up using the registration link.

Details on how to access the public comment hearing can be found on the Commission’s Calendar of Events.

Public comments can also be provided by:

  • Submitting written comments through the Commission’s Electronic Filing System (E-Filings)
  • Submitting written comments using the Commission’s online form
  • Submitting through email at
  • Mailing comments to the Commission’s offices at: Colorado Public Utilities Commission, 1560 Broadway, Suite 250, Denver, CO 80202
  • Calling (303) 869-3490 to leave oral comments (English and Spanish options)
  • To learn more about public participation opportunities with the PUC, please visit here.